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Wuxi Shibang Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Zhou

Tel: + 86-510-85596218

Switchboard: + 86-510-83050666

E-mail: info@wxsbjx.com

Company website: zhjzx.com

Address: Huishan District of Wuxi City Yangshan Industrial Zone Hengtong Road on the 7th


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Release date:2019-12-30 Author: Click on:

Company Introduction:

  Wuxi Shibang Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd is a manufacturing factory of the machinery manufacturing, located near Taihu Lake amidst the serene beauty, towards the Shanghai-Nanjing Highway’s exit that is only two KM away from the transportation facilities.

  The Wuxi Shibang Machine Manufacturing Co. Ltd is aimed at providing the best customer services, and the factory is committed to growing its relationship with its customers. The customer-factory relationship is prioritized over anything else. The factory offers high-quality products to the customers, sticking to the highest standards of the factory. The customers are responded 24/7, so that their requirements may be filled as soon as possible.

Punching Machine Offered by Wuxi Shibang Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd:

punching machine


This is a punching machine offered to customers by the Wuxi Shibang Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. The machine essentially performs a number of different thicknesses of the plate - 20 mm (0.1 mm) of the pressure equipment, leveling, extrusion molding time pressure, shear, punch, bending, stretching, etc. The variable precision of the Punching Machine is 0.1 mn that is reliable, safe and convenient.

  Everyone wants to work and save time. Time-saving techniques encourage the person to finish as many tasks as possible in a single day. The following are some of the time-saving tooling tricks for punching machines.

1.Tools Sharpened Within Machine

  There are many instances in which productivity can be increased during the tool maintenance and setup stages. Initially, whenever the punch became duller, it was sharpened and placed back into the assembly for the working. All this work was done manually. However, tool-free punch-length adjustment is provided in the punching machines, in which spring-pack assembly performs the punch-length adjustment outside or within the machine.

2.No Need to Remove Whole Tool Assembly

  Now, the tool technology has advanced to not remove the whole tool assembly for the sharpening or any other purpose. Rather, only the tip of the whole punch assembly is removed with the use of the torque wrench. This action takes place in just 10 seconds.

  Before these techniques, the tool assembly removal took about 5 minutes. This extended the duration taken for the removal of the tool assembly.

3.Reduction of the Assembly Time

  There are time-saving tools that reduce the assembly time of the tools. The good news is that existing tools are used to accomplish this task in unique and newer ways. Assembly time can be effectively reduced using the connecting forms. By sampling using the louver tool and attaching it with the rectangular, locked the panels together. This changed the way conventional tool assembly was undertaken.

4.Tapping Techniques

  Tapping tools are unknown in many parts of the fabrication industry, neither they are a low-cost investment. But once they are bought, they provide a lot of ease and convenience.

5.Always Remember the Basics of the Work

  Of course, if you keep in the mind the basics of the work, you will definitely save a lot of time. For example, tool storage cabinets, spacious areas, specified space for hand tools, etc. help fabricators do their job conveniently and quickly.


  These techniques will help fabricators save as much time as possible.

Related tags:punchingmachine,pressureequipment

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