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To avoid the hydraulic cylinder piston noise method

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To avoid the hydraulic cylinder piston noise method

Release date:2016-11-19 Author:shibang Click on:


Annular gap type. When the buffer plunger into the cylinder bore with its matching hole, the hydraulic oil must be discharged through the gap, so that the piston speed decreases. As the gap with the same, so the buffer is not adjustable, and with the piston speed decreases, the buffer effect is gradually weakened.

     Orifice adjustable. When the cushion plunger into the cylinder bore on the hole, the hydraulic oil must be throttle to discharge. As the throttle is adjustable, so the buffer is also adjustable, but this adjustment is the buffer before the adjustment, in the buffer in progress, the buffer is still fixed.

     Variable throttle mouth. In the axial direction of the piston has a triangular groove, the flow section is getting smaller and smaller, with the speed of the buffer is enhanced. The cushioning effect is uniform, the buffer pressure is low, the braking position precision is high, and the problem that the cushioning effect is too weak at the final stage of the stroke is solved.

  Hydraulic system leaks affect the safety of the system mission, the hydraulic cylinder to form the oil spoil, purify the surrounding environment, increase the machine's return to work time, increase consumer costs and the formation of defaced products, thus, leakage of the hydraulic system we must be controlled. Hydraulic system leakage is generally caused by three causes. Impact and vibration of pipe joints loose. The moving seals and the fitting parts are worn away from each other. Oil temperature is too high and the rubber seal is incompatible with the hydraulic oil and transformation.


Add shock and vibration. All tubes are secured by means of shock-absorbing brackets to absorb shock and vibration. The use of low-impact valve or accumulator to increase the impact; appropriate arrangements for pressure control valve to cover all components of the system; try to increase the use of the number of fittings, pipe joints as far as possible with the welding connection.

Use straight thread joints, tee joints and elbows instead of tapered pipe threaded joints, as far as possible with the oil block to replace the various piping. The use of the minimum pressure, the rules of the installation of bolt torque and plug torque, to avoid the joint surface and the seal was swallowed.

Hydraulic cylinder in the use of harsh environments, we must pay special attention to the prevention of hydraulic cylinder, attached to the piston rod surface if the intrusion of hydraulic cylinder internal risk, once the dust into the hydraulic cylinder, it will affect the hydraulic cylinder, will increase Hydraulic cylinder sliding surface wear, will make the hydraulic cylinder is not flexible in the process of rotation, resulting in hydraulic cylinder slow phenomenon occurs.

      Therefore, the hydraulic cylinder manufacturers must do a good job in dust control measures, you can use the cylinder manufacturer dust cover, cylinder cover can be formed in the fuel tank in a sealed space to prevent something in the cylinder to run into the cylinder damage cylinder to maintain Cylinder rod clean and tidy, to ensure the normal operation of the cylinder, the general cylinder sheath is the fiber soft tissue products can effectively prevent the cylinder in operation with other parts of the collision, friction and other causes damage to the cylinder.

      Cylinder dust cover is mainly to prevent dust, sand, rain into the interior, so that not only can ensure the external cleaning of hydraulic cylinders, but also can protect the internal cleaning of hydraulic cylinders.


Related tags:Hydrauliccyclinder

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